The Pillars of Lasallian Identity

This is also known as "The Lasallian Institutional Values".

D - Dynamism

As Lasallians, we live Dynamism.

  • do our responsibilities and duties

  • improve our knowledge and skills

  • motivate ourselves and others

  • accept challenges to learn and grow

  • take risks and reforms

  • for the common good.

L - Loyalty

As Lasallians, we live Loyalty.

  • follow instructions and rules

  • collaborate with all who share our vision and values

  • speak prudently about the school and its stakeholders

  • respect people and properties

  • live out the Gospel in our words and actions

  • for the realization of God’s Kingdom on earth.

S - Stewardship

As Lasallians, we live Stewardship.

  • acknowledge God’s gifts and graces

  • manage wisely our talents our resources

  • promote purpose and programs

  • make ethical decisions and directions

  • serve God and country

for integral salvation and liberation.

A - Accountability

As Lasallians, we live Accountability.

  • appreciate our roles and responsibilities

  • accept our strengths and weaknesses

  • communicate clearly our expectations and results

  • fulfil assignments and agreements

  • own our actions and their consequences

for a culture of trust and competence.

S - Social Responsibility

As Lasallians, we live Social Responsibility.

  • embrace beauty and diversity

  • express lovingly our care and compassion

  • support relevant issues and causes

  • make mindful collaborations and donations

  • respond promptly to challenges and concerns

for the least, the last, and the lost.

M - Moral Uprightness

As Lasallians, we live Moral Uprightness.

  • engage in daily prayer and reflection

  • model appropriate language and behavior

  • stand up for what is right and just

  • treat others with dignity and kindness

  • inspire hope and happiness

for Christ’s presence to grow in us and among us.

C - Commitment to Excellence

As Lasallians, we live Commitment to Excellence.

  • pursue high and moral standards

  • produce prompt and quality work

  • seek personal and professional growth

  • create innovative and sustainable solutions

  • celebrate personal and collective achievements

for the glory of God. .