The School Seal

The Blazon

A white escutcheon quartered with a gold cross bearing four symbols in gold: The Atlas Logo; a star, a sunburst with eight rays and the Cross of Saint Andrew. Upon the escutcheon is a gold helmet with gorget mantling in green and white.

The Shield

A green scroll is placed at the base of the shield with the Motto

“Ad Deum per Fidem, Mores, Cultura”
(To God Through Faith, Learning, and Culture)

A green periphery, edged in white, bears the legend “De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College” at the top and “Bo. Andres Soriano, Toledo City, Cebu, RP.” at the bottom between two stars of five points, all in white. The year of the founding, A.D. 1965, is in green letters beneath the scroll.

The Significance

The Cross quartering the shield indicates the fact that the school is a Catholic center of learning. The upper left quarter bears the symbol of the Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation (ACMDC), the company, which founded the school for the education of the children of their employees.

The upper right quarter contains a five-point star with rays. This “SIGNUM FIDEI” or sign of faith indicates the school‟s relationship with the De La Salle Brothers.

The lower left symbol is taken from the flag of the Republic of the Philippines. One of the objectives of the school is to develop love and loyalty for our country.

The lower right quarter contains the cross of Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Don Andres Soriano; the founder of ASMC and constant source of inspiration for students and teachers.

The Gold Helmet above the shield is a replica of the coat of arms of the La Salle Family, a member of which was Saint John Baptist De La Salle, founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools or the La Salle Brothers. The Helmet itself refers to Thessalonians verse 8, “Since we belong to the day, let us be sober, let us put on the breastplate of faith and love, and let the hope of salvation be our helmet”, signifying the principal end of Catholic education, the real purpose of Andres Soriano Memorial College which is to prepare young men and women for a useful life here and thereafter.